Monday, July 25, 2011

Thanks to all at San Diego Comic Con 2011

It was a great time at Comic Con this year. Many return visitors dropped by the booth and I made many awesome new friends as well. Thank you so much, to all of you, for your interest in my work and my forth coming "Tiki Lotus" project. I had good company at the table with my guest artist friends, Ted Washington and Lance HaunRougue. I do not currently have an online store set up, but any of you who were unable to purchase prints or sketchbooks can email me at and I will make arrangements with you for whatever it is that you are interested in. I still have 2010 and 2011 sketchbooks and a limited number of poster prints. Free sketches, as always, come with anything that is purchased. Hope to see you all again next year. :)

Monday, July 18, 2011


Will have the new sketchbook available as well as a limited number of last years. Also, poster prints, original art, a few artist proof cards and personal sketch cards will be available.
Small Press is located straight to the back of the B2 lobby.
I am at table L-4. See ya there!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Just completed sketch cards for Marvel Divas set

Recieved word it was ok to announce I am working on this set from Rittenhouse Archives.
Will post as soon as I get clearance. Other projects in the works as well.
Will announce when I have something to show.